
Showing posts from 2017

2017 Draws to a Close

Frightfall Wrap-Up

Where Do You Get Your Inspiration From?

Fyrebyrne Island - Now an Ebook

Introducing: Mikel Aramus Perfero

FrightFall 2017 - Argh!

Introducing: Reijko Breeze

Introducing: Aodfin Hill

Introducing: Zeb Stream

Introducing: Morhol Ash

Introducing: Nazish Cinder

Book Review: The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss

Introducing: Rachaya Butcher Perfero

Book 2 Has Been Re-Written

Supanova Wrap-Up

Indie Author Love - A Shining in the Shadows, by Beverley Lee

Indie Author Love - Awaken, by G.R. Thomas

Fyrebyrne Island at Supanova Melbourne

Author Interview - Ash Oldfield and Ander Louis on Writing

Fyrebyrne Island Is Now Available

Ponderings and Recollections